Horsham Club Championship 2023-24: Edgson – Mansson

Last Tuesday was the eighth round of the club championship; I was up against Ian Edgson with the Black pieces. After a long struggle I managed to prevail. This gives me at least a share of the lead with 6.5 out of 8, and perhaps the lead, depending on the result of the game between Mark Broom and Phil Stimpson.

The game started with a hybrid of the English Opening and Dutch Defence. White mixed up plans, which allowed Black to establish a strong position in the centre. Black then gradually increased the pressure until, starting to run short of time, he decided to force matters. Both sides committed inaccuracies in what followed; when the dust had settled, Black had lost most of his advantage. He was still slightly better in a rook endgame, and with both sides playing on not much more than the 30 second increment, he managed to squeeze a mistake out of his opponent, then convert his advantage.

I give the game below with some notes.

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