County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Norfolk

Sussex and Norfolk traveled to a neutral venue in Great Baddow, Chelmsford, for their Minor Counties semi-final match. The match finished 8-8, with Sussex winning on board count. My game was the penultimate one to finish; I managed to win in dramatic (if ultimately somewhat fortunate) fashion, taking the score to 7-8, before Feliks finally converted his advantage to take the score to 8-8.

I was White against Roy Hughes on board 8. The game initially developed in my favour, as I obtained a favourable position and started to build up a kingside attack. However, as both players started to run short of time, I allowed my advantage to slip away with some inaccurate moves. Then, with both players down to a few minutes on the clock, I blundered a pawn and looked like to be heading for defeat; however, my opponent fell for a dastardly trap which won a rook, and I was able to convert my advantage easily.

I give the game below with some notes.

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