Category Archives: Club Rapidplay

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2023-24: Rankin – Mansson

Following on from my last post, here is my second win against Pete Rankin, this time with the black pieces.

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Sicilian Defence | Leave a comment

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2023-24: Mansson – Rankin

Last Tuesday, I played two games against Pete Rankin in the club rapidplay, both of which I won. In this post I’ll look at the first game, where I was White.

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Catalan Opening | Leave a comment

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2023-24: Toth – Mansson

Last night, I played my Black game against Ben Toth in the club rapidplay competition. Although I soon managed to establish a winning advantage, my opponent managed to escape in the end with a draw, as both players ran very … Continue reading

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Sicilian Defence | Leave a comment

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2023-24: Savill – Mansson

Following on from the previous post, here is my second game against Jordy Savill. The game saw my opponent play an enterprising version of the London System. He did not find the best way to continue on moves 11 and … Continue reading

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The London System | Leave a comment

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2023-24: Mansson – Savill

Last night, I played Jordy Savill twice in the Horsham Club Rapidplay competition, as chess started again with the commencement of the club’s 2023-24 season. The first game saw me build up a a strong attacking position against my opponent’s … Continue reading

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Miscellaneous Queen's Gambit, Opening Analysis, Reports | Leave a comment

Horsham Chess Club Rapidplay 2022-23: McDonald – Mansson

My second game against Robert McDonald in the rapidplay was a quicker affair. My opponent blundered early after I responded sharply to his English Opening; soon after, he resigned.

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The English with ...e5 | Leave a comment

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2022-23: Mansson – McDonald

I played my second opponent (Robert McDonald) in the rapidplay competition last week; we completed both our games in the competition on the night.

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Queen’s Gambit Declined | Leave a comment

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2022-23: Lynn – Mansson

My second game against Thomas Lynn in the rapidplay (see my last post for more details of the competition) was rather more one-sided that the first. My opponent made a serious blunder fairly early on, losing a piece, and was … Continue reading

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Vienna Game | Leave a comment

Horsham Club Rapidplay 2022-23: Mansson – Lynn

This year the club is running a rapidplay competition across the season. The basic format is a round robin, with most of the club members entering. Each player may play up to two games, one with each colour, against each … Continue reading

Posted in Club Rapidplay, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Queen’s Gambit Declined | Leave a comment