Category Archives: County Matches

County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Lincolnshire

Sussex were up against Lincolnshire in the final of the Minor Counties competition last Saturday. We managed to win an exciting match on board count.

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County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Norfolk

Sussex and Norfolk traveled to a neutral venue in Great Baddow, Chelmsford, for their Minor Counties semi-final match. The match finished 8-8, with Sussex winning on board count. My game was the penultimate one to finish; I managed to win … Continue reading

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County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Worcestershire

Last Saturday, Sussex narrowly beat Worcestershire in the Quarter-Finals on the Minor Counties championship 8.5-7.5.

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County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Surrey

Sussex suffered another heavy defeat against Surrey, this time in the home fixture, which was not surprising given their massive grading advantage.

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County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Kent

Last Saturday, Sussex were home against Kent in the SCCU County Championship. Despite a valiant effort, Sussex went down 7.5-8.5. My game was a particular source of frustration, as I blundered a rook with both players very short of time … Continue reading

Posted in County Matches, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Modern Benoni | Leave a comment

County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Middlesex

After the disappointing result away against Surrey in the first match of the season, Sussex got back on track with a fine home win against Middlesex. Despite going three wins down after six games had finished, they pulled back to … Continue reading

Posted in County Matches, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The King's Indian Defence | Leave a comment

County Match (Open) 2023-24: Surrey – Sussex

Yesterday, Sussex played its first county match of the season. We were away against Surrey at their familiar venue in Cheam. Surrey had a very strong team, so it was no surprise that they achieved a decisive victory.

Posted in County Matches, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Slav Defence | Leave a comment

County Match (Open) 2022-23: Sussex – Kent

Sussex was playing Kent at home last Saturday. The match ended in a narrow 8.5-7.5 win, as Jaimie Wilson won the last game to finish. I was up against John Sugden with the Black pieces, and managed to draw, despite … Continue reading

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County Match (Open) 2022-23: Surrey – Sussex

I played for Sussex in the away match against Surrey yesterday, and the result was disappointing both on a personal level and for the team. Surrey lost the match decisively 5-11, which was not surprising perhaps given the difference in … Continue reading

Posted in County Matches, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Old Indian Defence | Leave a comment

County Match (Open) 2022-23: Sussex – Surrey

A couple of weekends ago, I played in a home match for Sussex against Surrey at the usual Hassocks venue. Although I managed a draw against a previously difficult opponent, unfortunately Sussex lost 6-10 to their local rivals.

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