County Match (Open) 2023-24: Sussex – Worcestershire

Last Saturday, Sussex narrowly beat Worcestershire in the Quarter-Finals on the Minor Counties championship 8.5-7.5.

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Playing the Semi-Slav: The Meran and Anti-Meran

In the basic starting position of the Semi-Slav, which arises after 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 Nc3 e6, White has two main options: 5 e3 and 5 Bg5. In this post I will be taking a look at the lines after 5 e3 from the perspective of Black.

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Visit the Bibliography for recommended reading relating to playing the Semi-Slav as Black.
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Sussex League Division 1 2023-24: Horsham 1 – Brighton 1

Horsham 1 secured the Sussex League title last night, following an exciting match which they overcame a strong Brighton 1 team at home. I was pleased to be able to contribute a win to the team effort, which saw us win the match 2.5-1.5.

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Horsham Club Championship 2023-24: Mansson – Stimpson

Last night, I won a hard-fought game in the club championship against Phil Stimpson. This put me into the joint lead with 5.5 points out of 7. Two rounds remain, and I have played all the leading players, which puts me in a good position.

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Sussex League Knockout 2023-24: Horsham – Lewes

Last night, Horsham were up against Lewes in the final of the League Handicap Knockout. As both sides were reasonably well-matched in terms of grading, neither side had a points handicap. The match turned out to be disastrous for Horsham, who lost in the end 4-0.

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Sussex League Division 1 2023-24: Horsham 1 – Lewes

Horsham 1 achieved a tough 2-2 draw away against Lewes last night. My game was adjourned with the score at 1.5-1.5 (one win each plus one draw); as it was a Q+P vs Q endgame, it was possible to quickly verify the correct result at home, which was a draw.

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Sussex League Division 1 2023-24: Horsham 1 – Hastings 2

Horsham 1 scored a thumping 4-0 victory over Hastings 2 last night. I contributed a win on board four against Martin Fletcher.

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Horsham Club Championship 2023-24: Mansson – Page

Last night, I was playing Roy Page in the club championship. I managed to win, which took me into joint second behind the runaway leader, Phil Stimpson.

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Sussex League Division 1 2023-24: Horsham 1 – Hastings 1

Last night Horsham 1 drew away against Hastings 1. Anthony Higgs won, while Gavin Lock and Mark Broom drew. My game against John Sugden was the last to finish; unfortunately, by that point, he had a winning position, so I was unable to avoid defeat.

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Horsham Club Knockout 2023-24: Mansson – Taylor (Rapidplay)

My knockout match against Alex Taylor had gone to its third game and first of the rapidplay games, played at thirty minutes each with a ten second increment. We played that game last night, and finally had a decisive result, which was in my favour. This takes me through to the semi-final of the competition.

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